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short stack 224

A member registered Aug 13, 2019

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I appreciate that you replied. I like giving coments on games that direct the creator to the problems without sounding like a jerk. As for the finish, very well done. A few things, just to improve on the total aspect of the game. When you release the full game, try and make the game longer, and maybe make the enimies harder. As you level up, maybe you can put skill points into a skill tree, just a thought. And finally to finish off, for the sake of me trying to help. You should really put a nerf on the amount of potions in the crypts. When i finished the game, i had so many stacks of potions. Again this is just a thought as to make the game more enjoyable. I have a feeling that this game can turn into something incredible. But like everything in the world, good things take time. Good luck, and thank you for replying.

I Like it, it looks like it could turn out to be a great game. The reason i say it like that is because i'm not sure if it's finished. I played the game, but at the end i wasn't informed on where the necromancer is hiding. There is a few bugs here and there, but every game has bugs. I think with a little tweaking, it can be a great game